Category Archives: Salmon

Try This Egg Cure for Coho & Steelhead

By: Todd Daniels All eggs are not created equal. Depending on the time of year and species I’m targeting I cure my eggs differently, and you should too. What I’m looking for this time of year is color – the right color egg. The reason is we have constantly changing water conditions this time of […]

So You Want the Inside Scoop on How one of the Best Cures Eggs?

By: Dave Manners In the last month I’ve made a change to the Kitchen Sink, which is an egg cure many in the Northwest use. I’ve been using that cure for salmon for almost a decade now. I wasn’t going to tell you guys about my new discoveries because I hate giving away my best […]

Learn to Cure the Perfect Egg for Late Fall Coastal Salmon

By: Mick Thomas I’ve been curing eggs for more than five decades, possibly longer. And, one thing people always ask me is how I like to cure my eggs. Keep in mind, I guide on coastal systems, which require me to use a different size and texture than those fishing inland rivers. The type of […]

Try These Tasty Sacs for Late Fall Salmon

By: Kyle Deavers In some areas of the Great Lakes the fall salmon run is slowing. However, where I fish and seeing reports from other areas, there’s are still a lot of salmon returning to harbors and tributaries. The run isn’t over yet. Some places might be over, but others have another month left. With […]

Fall Salmon Anglers: Make a Perfect Sardine Wrapped Plug

Learn Pro Tips: Make a Perfect Sardine Wrapped Plug By: John Albrich PNW anglers are excited because for the first time in a long time most of our rivers are opened to salmon retention. There’s more fish returning this season than we’ve seen in a long time. In fact, in many systems the limits have […]

The Perfect Spawn Sac for Great Lakes Salmon

Try This Perfect Spawn Sac for Great Lakes Salmon By: Jarett Carlson I spent last week salmon fishing the Great Lakes and had a lot of time experiment. My goal was to find a worthy alternative to catch fall salmon for those who don’t have fresh eggs. I found a few that caught fish, and […]

Try This Cut Bait Prep for Springer Success

By: John Albrich Springer season in the PNW has been much better than anticipated. With that said there’s a lot of fishing pressure out there. Having good bait is imperative for your success. All salmon are scent driven and I’m a firm believer that good bait drives springer success. Good bait means fresh sardines, herring […]

Try These Easy Steps for Perfect Springer Bait

It’s that time of year and we are already catching springers! During the early part of the season I prefer trolling herring. I consider this to be from now through mid April while the water temps are still cool. Right now, they are only 44-48 degrees. Meanwhile, when the river warms above 58 I start […]