Category Archives: Salmon

Astoria Ocean Salmon Bite On Fire

We’d only been fishing roughly an hour when Steven Theel saw one of our three trolling rods pegged over. He grabbed it, battled a 20-pound Chinook, brought it alongside the boat and guide Mike Barksdale of Fish Extreme swooped in with a pair of pliers and released it. “Another damn Chinook,” Barksdale said. “I don’t […]

The Hot New West Coast Bait Brine

By: Gary Blasi It’s no secret we’ve used the Chartreuse Fire Brine for the last three summers up on California’s North Coast. In fact, the entire fleet out of Eureka is using it. This summer has been no different for most. However, I’ve found a new twist for my brine that I’ve been using daily. […]

Multiple Species Available on Southeast Wisconsin Shoreline

By Kyle Deavers I’ve been fishing daily on the west shore of Lake Michigan since April and fortunately the trolling bite has improved this year from last year. We’ve had a very good Coho bite because the bait is staying in Southeast Wisconsin. We have a very good lake trout population on this part of […]

Fishing Deep For Washington Coast Kings

By: Sean Orr Thirty years ago before hi tech downriggers, braided line and other essentials for deep water trolling were designed Washington’s coast was vastly unexplored for Chinook salmon by the private angler. Meanwhile, in the last 20 years these depths have been exposed and what we have uncovered is fascinating. We all knew Chinook […]