Tag Archives: Fire Gel

So You Want the Inside Scoop on How one of the Best Cures Eggs?

By: Dave Manners In the last month I’ve made a change to the Kitchen Sink, which is an egg cure many in the Northwest use. I’ve been using that cure for salmon for almost a decade now. I wasn’t going to tell you guys about my new discoveries because I hate giving away my best […]

Try a Bead/Bag Combo for Winter Steelhead Success

By: James Swearingen This season when targeting steelhead in high water I’ve found that drifting a bag and bead combo has been the most effective technique. The biggest reason I do it is to draw trout and steelhead into your bait when the water is dirty or muddy. I use the bead as an attraction […]

NY Salmon River On the Scene

By: Chris Shaffer With one major product launch in the rear and another weeks away I called Pautzke pros Stephen Shen of STS Guide Service and Andy Bliss of Chasin Tail Adventures and asked them if we could float New York’s Salmon River and make a video using our new Trout Eggs and the soon […]

New York Steelhead On the Scene

By: Chris Shaffer A few years ago when we came to Lake Ontario in the dead of winter it was a chore to find open water. Many of the tributaries were choked up with ice. Some of our well-known pro staffers couldn’t even get their boat on the water. So far this winter that hasn’t […]