By: Mike Ainsworth At the start of springer season, lower than normal water and clearer water than we’ve seen in the past few years on the Columbia River had me focused on running mostly Natural Fire Brine herring. The water is still clear. However, we’ve been catching them on blue herring and other colors daily. […]
Tag Archives: Fire Dye
By: Mike Ainsworth Like in years past they are predicting a decent number of springers in the Columbia River system. On the other hand, every year the experts predict a good return and then we end up disappointed, often due to poor water conditions, which can make fishing a challenge. Meanwhile, we are having a […]
By: Chris Shaffer Frank Campbell’s rod was bent almost in half and I scurried to grab the video camera as line continued to peel off the reel. Floating down the middle of the Niagara River the way this fish was fighting and taking us into heavy, turbulent current I was sure this was going to […]
By: Tom Armstrong Ontario’s Ministry of Natural Resources stocks hundreds of lakes in Northern Ontario with brook trout, splake and rainbows. Brook trout are the most abundant. Meanwhile, fishing stocked brookies can be a hit or miss. No matter how good the lake or how large of a stocking it receives catching brooks is never […]
By: Chris Shaffer The South Holston River is one of the premier trout fisheries in the Southeast. On the other hand, to tackle it best timing is imperative. A rigorous generation schedule has the river yo-yoing daily. If you’re a bank angler timing a visit when they aren’t generating is imperative. Drift boaters seek the […]
By: Chris Shaffer Last week’s wintry conditions didn’t do any favors for trout anglers in East Tennessee. Icy roads, snow, wind and inclement weather marked many of the region’s top tailwater fisheries through midweek, ironically when we were in town to film Pautzke Outdoors on the Watauga River near Johnson City. We planned to float […]
By: Frank Campbell While anglers on the eastern end of Lake Ontario have been complaining of poor steelhead fishing things have been pretty good here on the western end at the Niagara River. Keep in mind, the nice thing around here is we are getting a good mix of fish. There’s a lot of lake […]
By: Homer Brown The entire main stem Salmon River has a lot of steelhead right now. In fact, the last time we experienced fishing this good was in 2010 when we had a huge A-Run return. Fortunately, there’s plenty of action left this season. I think we’ll see at least another month of good fishing. […]
By: Chris Shaffer Wisconsin’s weather has fluctuated the past two weeks. It nearly reached the 50s two weeks ago, before dropping a few inches of rain and then cascading below zero only a few days later. The massive swings in temperature pumped dirty water into the rivers and harbors and nearly compromised ice conditions prior […]
By: Chris Shaffer We shipped roughly 33,000 bottles of Fire Brine to the Northwest last year. Fire Brine is a mainstay in every account in the region, but it hasn’t been in Montana. I had no idea that was set to change until we received a random email from Central Montana wheat farmer Kim Anthony. […]