By: Chris Shaffer They told me an hour was enough. That was one hour to film an entire episode of Pautzke Outdoors on the Lower Musconetcong River in New Jersey. That included time to cover our gear, rigging, intros and catching dozens of trout. Our contacts were wrong. It only took 30 minutes. The trout […]
Tag Archives: Premium
By: Casey Kelley It’s been a busy week at Pautzke. In the last two days we’ve produced more than 175,000 jars of Green Label and Premium salmon eggs. This is on the heels of more than 300,000 jars of various Pautzke salmon eggs already produced in the last two months. We’re off to a great […]
By: Chris Shaffer Almost a month past opening day Eastern Pennsylvania streams are still full of trout. Fortunately, more trout plants are coming, too. We spent the last few days filming Pautzke Outdoors in many of the region’s streams in the greater Lehigh Valley and found that most of the systems we fished had high […]
By: Chris Shaffer We were scheduled to film in West Virginia last week. Meanwhile, with nasty weather and heavy rain predicted after filming on the Youghiogheny River in Southwest Pennsylvania last Monday we rerouted and drove several hours north to avoid the storm and salvage a week. Because of it’s central location to an endless […]
By: James Swearingen Looking at the forecast for this weekend I’m expecting good conditions for the trout opener in the greater Pittsburgh area. They are calling for rain all day today, which is likely to raise stream levels and spread fish throughout the system. I’d say that’s a good thing. This will spread the fishing […]
By: Andy Couch The Matanuska – Susitna Borough (Mat-Su) contains lots of lakes, is roughly the size of West Virginia and is rich in ice fishing opportunities. Many lakes along the road system are stocked by the Alaska Department of Fish and Game (ADF&G) providing endless options. Perhaps the best way for anglers to learn […]
By: Joey Usher In the dead of winter angling opportunities for bait fishermen are limited in Southwest PA. However, to keep us on the water and still be able to enjoy time outdoors fishing many of us turn to the pay lakes. There’s a half dozen year round pay lakes open in the region, many […]
By: Bojan Zivkovic Traditionally, Pautzke salmon eggs are baited straight onto a hook and ready to fish instantaneously. The jarred eggs have been cooked and cured to perfection, making them stay on the hook for a good amount of casts until you have to re-bait again. However, sometimes I notice the eggs can come off […]